All about resume parsingWhat is resume parsing via email
Resume Inbox is a user-friendly parsing tool that enables you to automatically parse resumes sent as email attachments and add them directly to your Zoho Recruit account.
There are 2 types of email parsing available;
Create a candidate on your candidate database
Create a candidate on you candidate database AND associate to a job
Where to find the resume parsing email address
Create a candidate on your candidate database
Setup > Resume Management > Resume Inbox
Once sent, you will find the candidate in the Candidate Module (Or search for the name in the search bar)
Create a candidate on you candidate database AND associate to a job
Open the job > Sourcing summary (top left) > Job Mail Box tab
Once sent, you will find the candidate in the hiring pipeline in "Applied", check your dashboard
How to use
- Send an email to the relevant parsing email address.
- Attach the resume
- No need to type anything or add a subject
- You can send multiple resumes as attachments, each will create a new candidate profile, extract the information from the resume, and attach the resume
Checking parsing results
Go to Setup > Resume Management > Resume Inbox > Parsing results
Typical problems
It's not parsing (Parsing result = failed)
Possible Reasons for failed parsing attempts
- Adding informations in headers / footers
- Text boxes
- Chats, graphics, WordArt and other visual elements
- Tables and columns
- Jumbled placing of repeat information (such as work experience and education history)
- Overlapping text / spacing
- Scanned resumes / resume image (instead of document)
- Strange fonts
Zoho creates junk candidate profiles
You can only send RESUMES via the email parser. Other documents such as IDs, qualifications and references will not attach to the candidate profile which is created by the resume. Zoho looks for the candidate email address in the document. This is what links the document (resume) to the profile in Zoho.